Hello Friends!
It’s National Love Your Pet Day today!

Today I get to spend some more time with you and remind you why pets are the best! If we haven’t met before, my name is BayMaxx, I’m the pup who helps run Next Level Plumbing!
(I’m an excellent supervisor and cheer-er-upper!)

In case you’re wondering, I’m an American Staffordshire Terrier and I’m four years old!
(Don’t mind the picture of me, I was only a year old in it, but don’t I look cute!?)

It’s a special day today for me and lots of other animals out there because today is nationally recognized as the day people celebrate having pets! Did you know almost every household in the US has a pet!?

That’s crazy! And awesome!

I heard that there are more cats than dogs in the US, but that more homes have dogs for pets than cats. It’s a bit concerning to think about, but at least the humans recognize that dogs are better companions! (In my humble opinion!)

Whether you have a dog, cat, fish, bird, horse, or any other fun kind of animal as a pet, today is the perfect day to show them some extra love! Whether that means going for a walk or devoting some time specifically to them today, I know they will appreciate it!

I’m certainly excited for the long walk I’m going on later today with my humans! And there are benefits that YOU can get from spending time with your pet as well, like lowered blood pressure and stress relief!

Also, you may be reminded just how much we pets appreciate you when you spend more time with us!

If you have a pet, try to set aside a bit of time just for us today! It’s a beautiful day to celebrate the friendship we pets and humans share!

Until next time,
Your Next Level Plumbing Pup,

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