Hard water leaves unsightly stains on your dishes and glassware, doesn’t lather well with soap and shampoo, and can even damage your plumbing over time. The best way to deal with these issues is to install a water softener in your home. A water softener will remove calcium and magnesium ions from your water, leaving it feeling “softer” and easier to use.

Having a water softener in your home will make your life a lot easier, and has some surprising health benefits. Let’s look at some of them.

Healthier Skin

Hard water does not interact well with soap. You can eventually work up a lather when washing your hands or taking a shower, but it’s going to take a lot more water than you would otherwise use. In the meantime, the soap that doesn’t lather with your hard water leaves a sticky film on your skin. This film can block pores, give you acne, and leave your skin feeling dry and itchy. On top of that, your skin will probably never feel completely clean no matter how much you bathe. Trying to rinse away the film will only make things worse.

On the other hand, soft water is ideal for bathing. It lathers well with soap and doesn’t leave a film on your skin. The result is softer, clearer, and healthier skin overall.

Stronger Hair

Hard water can be hard on your hair. Shampoo doesn’t create much of a lather when used with hard water, and what doesn’t lather can build up in your hair and leave it looking and feeling limp and lifeless. The minerals in hard water also affect your hair, making it brittle and causing scalp problems such as dandruff. Meanwhile, washing your hair with soft water keeps it softer, more vibrant, and more manageable throughout the year.

Improved Kidney Health

Drinking hard water can create more work for your kidneys by increasing urinary calcium and magnesium levels. This makes it more likely for you to develop kidney stones. Fortunately, this doesn’t happen with soft water.

Improved Hydration

Soft water isn’t more hydrating than hard water, but it is much more pleasant to drink. Hard water can sometimes have a salty or bitter taste to it, so you’ll probably be less likely to drink it straight from the tap. If you or anyone in your home doesn’t like to drink water, this could be part of the reason why. A water softener could be what you need to encourage the pickier drinkers in your household to consume more water.

Reduced Financial Stress

This isn’t exactly a physical health issue, but it is worth mentioning. Whenever you wash anything with hard water, you need to use more of it to get any results. Showers need to be longer, and you need to use more water than you reasonably should just to wash your hands or do the dishes. This will lead to an increase in your water bill, which can feel like one financial headache too many if you have a tight budget. You’ll also have to use more soap and other cleaning products, which means spending more money.

If you’re stressing about finances and you find yourself using way too much soap and water, getting a water softener might be the way to go. The upfront cost of buying and installing it can be a little expensive, but you’ll be saving a lot of money on your water bill and cleaning supply budget in the long run.

Contact Next Level Plumbing for Assistance

While it technically isn’t necessary to have a water softener in your home, it does make your life a lot easier in many ways. If you’re interested in having one installed in your home, Next Level Plumbing will be happy to assist you. We are a plumbing company located in Sarasota, FL, and we provide plumbing services to customers in the region. We’re always easy to reach by phone, email, or text, and we even offer same-day services in many cases.

Our plumbing services include water softener installation and repair, so contact Next Level Plumbing in Sarasota today to schedule an appointment.

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